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Consider this

The rise in people being signed off due to work related stress is at an all time high. One in ten agency staff has left their job due to stress-induced medical issues. (AD AGE)

Talent expect organisations to provide cohesive, effective mindset support - it’s now an L&D KPI in all progressive outfits.

Many organisations still receive feedback from teams that they don’t utilise the support offered.

Business and client needs rapidly change - teams need simple, quick self regulating tools so they can take charge of their mindset health.

How does this sound? 

  • Your teams are empowered, they are able to course correct and pivot without missing a beat because they have the mindset tools to take charge of their mindset health, regardless of the situation

  • Your leaders and teams have simple, effective mindset approaches tailored to the unique needs of your business or their roles or their clients

  • You actively demonstrate you are genuinely committed to supporting the mindset health of your teams by providing data inspired L&D programs, cultivating an authentic culture


Introducing bespoke mindset success playbooks. 

Short, simple mindset solutions, tailored to address the specific needs of your business - whether it’s client, work stream or role focused. 

Approaches empower your teams because they are tailored - taking typical pain points and providing mindset solutions. It’s a win/win situation - by addressing situations, teams feel heard. Driving trust and advocacy. 

What better was to actively demonstrate your teams are being heard by giving them a playbook, with short solutions to their daily challenges with a particular client or work situation or role?

Not only that, the playbook provides clarity on the celebrated behaviours of your business e.g having the Emotional Intelligence and confidence to spot who’s been quiet in a stand up or creative session and having the confidence to ask them if they’re ok? 

Data captures the pain points for your team. This means you can take these insights and provide your teams with the solutions to the precise challenges they face - giving your L&D programs relevance, underpinning them as a conduit for positive change


Simple - you tell us your pain points, what keeps you, your leaders and teams up at night and your celebrated behaviours. We devise mindset solutions tailored to those specific challenges. 

We work with you to create a cohesive activation plan so you can weave the  approaches into the fabric of your culture. 

Data insights provided will enable you to create L&D programs which truly resonate with your teams - genuinely supporting them in the areas they need the most.  

Ultimately it’s a playbook of mindset transformation tools so teams can show up as their best selves and create work that wins. 

Take a look


With more than 20 different scenarios, mindset solutions for each situation are categorised into three categories. Each category is time boxed so you can choose how much time you wish to invest in solving your challenge.


Short, themed, mindset meditations - these are multi purpose and have been designed so they can be listened to with your eyes open, while you’re sitting in front of your laptop, in the comfort of your own home or as a team in the office.


Science based tools to achieve a fertile mindset which is open to hearing new ideas and approaches. Approaches which enable you to self-regulate and course correct


Thought provoking questions which spark self reflection and creative solutions. This shifts your perspective so a difficult conversation doesn’t infect a relationship or focus a team after detailed exec feedback, and everything else in between.

Bespoke Playbook

From ÂŁ8000

+ Monthly Subscription

  • Empowered teams with bespoke mindset content curated to address the exact situations front of mind 
  • Teams who can regulate, manage stress surges and course correct in real-time due to short, simple mindset solutions themed to typical work experiences 
  • A thriving, authentic culture, cultivated by resilient mindsets who can pivot, solve and create
  • Drive loyalty and passion by utilising insights so you can deliver L&D programs which truly resonate with your teams

For cultural innovative organisations, who already value mindset health for their teams - the playbooks are a must-have for teams seeking the competitive edge.

Book a Free Discovery Call


Short, simple mindset tools your team can use in the moment, so you can focus and move forward.

Waking up stressed?

Get the Bundle

Insane amount of emails? 

Get the Bundle

Day ruining your evening?

Get the Bundle

A must-have for organisations committed to empowering teams to take charge of their mindset health. 

Short, simple mindset hacks themed to typical work thoughts and experiences.

The problem/solution approach up skills teams with the tools to know how friction can work for them not to them and how to lean in so they can flourish and thrive. Â